Saturday, March 23, 2013

Here We Go...

We're just about mid-point between our 40th and 45th reunions. So it stands to reason that my thoughts turn to surgery, right? Don't yours?! In the 2-1/2 years since we last gathered, many of us have had more interaction with each other than we had in the previous 40 years. Facebook helps us keep up with each other very effectively. We share photos of the grandkids, tales of vacations, funny stories, sad stories, recipes, gossip, job changes, births, deaths, and...repairs on our high-mileage bodies!

I've certainly managed to earn a few trips to the operating room myself. In truth, I have no first-hand knowledge of all those masked faces hovering over me armed with instruments and well-educated brains. By the time they turn their attention to me, I am stone-cold-stoned-deep-in-the-throes-of-drug-induced-stupor. This is good. We live in wonderful times. The idea that all the gruesome things they're doing to whatever part of my body needs patching can be accomplished without any memory on my part is much appreciated. 

I'm not alone here. Thanks to Facebook, I know that MANY of you are doing the same thing - getting parts replaced, patched, removed and/or augmented. Personally, I'm delighted to have been able to live long enough and get enough mileage that I can even BE a candidate for upgrading.

Whatever life has done to our bodies over the course of a lifetime, it's good to know we have each other to commiserate with, to laugh about our experiences with, and to enjoy recovery with. Some of you are recuperating right now, some of you are anticipating repairs, and some of you are even wondering if you should bother.

Well, I think I speak for all your classmates, friends and loved ones when I say "Yes!" Take care of yourself. Life is a precious gift. We want the chance to see you again in 2015 when we gather in Brownwood for another reunion.

We can show off all our new parts...

Mary Beth Groce Smith,
who is extremely pleased to 
not need a wheelchair this time!!


If you have moved since 2010, please be kind enough to drop me an email and update your contact information. All information is private and not shared with anyone else. It simply allows the 
Reunion Committee to send you mail as we move closer to the next get-together.